Home World Venezuelan acting president hails technology transfer with China

Venezuelan acting president hails technology transfer with China


CARACAS, March 27  – Acting President Nicolas Maduro(Pic) on Tuesday welcomed the technology transfer between China and Venezuela during a visit to a Chinese-owned appliance complex.  Thanks to the efforts of late President Hugo Chavez and support and cooperation from China, the Haier industrial complex in Ocumare del Tuy, central Milanda state, was constructed, Maduro said.

Venezuela's acting President Nicolas Maduro gestures to supporters after he registered as a candidate for president in the April 14 election outside the national election board in CaracasThere are more than 3 million Haier appliances in Venezuelan homes, including such products as televisions, refrigerators and air conditioners, he said.  The Haier complex has the capacity to produce 815,000 appliances annually, said Industry Minister Ricardo Menendez.  Noting the technology transfer and training of the Venezuelan workers at the

Haier complex, Maduro said that 68 Venezuelans already have been trained in China’s Haier Group.


“We love China, the Chinese people and we deeply respect the leadership of the People’s Republic of China,” he said.  Haier Group, a Chinese multinational consumer electronics and home appliances company, began production in Venezuela last September with a manufacturing plant and a research and technological innovation centre which covers 32 hectares.