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Perak Sultan wants Dewan Negara to Convey to him the Truth


rajanazrinshah290514KUALA KANGSAR, June 20 – Sultan Nazrin Shah today chaired a meeting of the Perak Dewan Negara, his first since ascending the throne as the sultan, and advised its members to convey to him the truth no matter how bitter it may be.

The ruler insisted on being told the truth without any attempt to hide anything.

“Do not tell me tales to send me into dreamland when the reality on the ground is something entirely different from what has been related to me.

“Hopefully, the members of the Dewan Negara will help me with all sincerity and honesty so that I can discharge my responsibility fairly and equitably,” he said when addressing the 159th meeting of the Dewan Negara at the Istana Iskandariah here.

Sultan Nazrin recalled that his late father, Sultan Azlan Shah, when addressing the 150th meeting of the Dewan Negara in March 2012, had said that the institution of the monarchy would remain relevant so long as it had the respect of the people.

He said Sultan Azlan Shah, when receiving an honorary doctorate from Universiti Sains Malaysia as a judge in June 1980, had said that monarchies had fallen due to the wrong advice of palace advisors not responsible to the people.

In fact, he had said that these advisors comprised those greedy for short-term gain for themselves and did not consider the interests of the people and country, he said.

Sultan Nazrin Shah said a ruler was defined by his wisdom as well as the justice and equality of his reign.

“A reign that that is wise and just will be blessed by God, the country will be prosperous and the ruler will be able to protect the people so that they can live in peace and harmony,” he said.