Home Business More than 700 franchisors registered with Ministry as of June 2014

More than 700 franchisors registered with Ministry as of June 2014


franchisingKUALA LUMPUR, June 14 — The national franchise sector is at a level to be proud of when 719 local franchisors were registered with the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry as of June this year.

The ministry’s Franchise Division senior assistant director, Ismainur Hadi Amat Bakeron said the number recorded was quite high and at par with developed nations.

“In fact, many local franchisors are successful in spreading their wings abroad including in the Middle East, Australia and Europe,” he said when he was a guest of Bernama TV’s Bual Bicara programme, tonight.


He said through the programme to promote Malaysian products abroad, the division found that the international community was keen on local franchise products, especially traditional Malay food.

Meanwhile, Malaysian Franchise Association chairman Datuk Latip Surrugi advised those keen to venture into the franchise sector not to be hasty but should carry out a study before opting to be a franchisee to any franchisor.