Home English News Iran Ready For Talks With West : President Rohani

Iran Ready For Talks With West : President Rohani


TEHRAN, Sept 23 – President Hassan Rohani stressed that the Iranian nation is ready for talks with the West with no preconditions, Iran’s IRNA reported.

Iranian-presidential-candidate-Hassan-RohaniThe President made the remarks here Sunday morning while addressing a special ceremony at the mausoleum of the Founder of the Islamic Republic, the late Imam Khomeini to mark the beginning of the Sacred Defense Week.

He stressed that the Iranian nation is ready for talks with the West provided that such negotiations are based on equal positions and mutual respect, urging the West not to think only of its own interests.


He underlined the need for considering the interests of all and acknowledge the rights of the Iranian nation, including its right to pursue nuclear technology and uranium enrichment within its soil.

He said that the Iranians are men of logic, friendship, peace and cooperation if others admit their rights.

Underlining that Iran is basically against wars since they inflict damage and cause destruction, he warned all war-mongers not to seek new wars in the region.

On the situation in Syria, he said all parties should try to stop the ongoing civil war there so that terrorists may not gain strength in the region and that the terrorist groups could sit for talks with the Syrian government.

Saying that diplomacy and war will make no sense when they come together, President Rohani added that the Iranian nation, enjoying a great civilisation, is never after weapons of mass destruction and is committed to all international conventions.