Home English News Education Ministry Regrets Instigation On Students Not To Repay PTPTN Study Loans

Education Ministry Regrets Instigation On Students Not To Repay PTPTN Study Loans


BESUT, Aug 24 – The Education Ministry regrets that certain quarters are instigating borrowers of study loans from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) not to repay their loans, resulting in arrears.

Second Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh said the instigation was clearly unIslamic as Islam required all loans to be repaid.

idris-jusoh“The ministry hopes that every PTPTN study loan borrower will not be influenced by the instigation as repaying loans is not only compulsory from the religious aspect but also to ensure that the future generations would be able to support their studies with PTPTN loans.


“At the moment, there are some 400,000 or 34 per cent of the PTPTN loan borrowers trying to avoid repaying as they are influenced by the instigation of irresponsible parties,” said Idris at the official opening of a community hall and agriculture product competition in Kampung Tok Motong, here, yesterday.

He said the errant borrowers did not give feedback when contacted and refused to cooperate although they could discuss with PTPTN if they faced problems to pay up.

Idris said if they approached PTPTN, due consideration could be given to enable them to repay their loans according to their ability.

ptptn11He said to solve the problem of unpaid study loans, the ministry would be discussing with 10 non-governmental organisations next Wednesday in Kuala Lumpur to hear their views.

In another development, Idris said he would be leaving for Cairo tomorrow to meet with Egypt’s education minister over the plight of Malaysian students and their examination schedule, as well as related issues following the political turmoil in that country now.