Home Nation Nearly 2,000 villagers from seven kampungs move to embara budi, fajar harapan

Nearly 2,000 villagers from seven kampungs move to embara budi, fajar harapan


LAHAD DATU, March 7- Nearly 2,000 people from seven villages have moved to Embara Budi and Fajar Harapan in Felda Sahabat following the security forces expanding their hunt for the terrorists who intruded into Kampung Tanduo near here.

The residents involved are Tanjung Labian, Tanjung Batu, Lok Buani, Lok Sabang, Tanigian, Sungai Merah and Balangi. Some of the 1,309 people who moved to Fajar Harapan have been placed at its community hall while the rest are staying with relatives. As many as 650 more have moved to Embara Budi’s community hall.

Lok Buani community leader, Roslan Abdul Hamid said many of the residents in the seven villages opted to move because of safety factors while others did so after getting directions from the security forces.  Food aid was also sent by the National Security Council (NSC) this afternoon to the temporary shelters.


628x471Checks by Bernama at the Fajar Harapan shelter found they were supplied with items such as rice, sugar, canned food, biscuits, cooking gas and stoves. Besides the NSC, assistance was also provided by the Information Department which was presented by its director-general Datuk Ibrahim Abdul Rahman himself.

A resident of Lok Buani, Julmal Sharif, 65, said he and his extended family of 26 people moved there today after being directed by the security forces.  He said they walked for an hour from their village to the shelter and just brought along some clothes.  According to a resident of Tanjung Labian, Assafal Alian, some of the residents who moved also needed medical care, especially children and the elderly.

He said that even though they did not know how long they will be at the shelter, they at least did not need to worry about their safety. Meanwhile, Sharifah Adanah, 25, who gave birth to her third child just three days ago, said she hoped medical services could be provided to the residents sheltered at the the Embara Budi hall. According to her, her baby girl had not received any innoculation and she cannot take her to the nearest clinic in the Felda Sahabat area because security reasons.