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World leaders gather in Malaysia for landmark meeting on girl’s and women’s health


najibKUALA LUMPUR, May 22 – On Tuesday, 28 May, just after 10:00 AM MYT, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak Honorable Prime Minister of Malaysia will deliver opening remarks at the landmark Women Deliver 2013 conference at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. This three-day meeting will be the largest global conference of the decade to focus on the health and well-being of girls and women. This follows Women Deliver’s historic conferences in London in 2007 and Washington, D.C. in 2010, and marks the first time the international gathering will be held in Asia.

This meeting presents a unique opportunity to engage regional leaders and showcase Malaysia’s progress on women’s issues. Malaysian advocates including Women Deliver Asia Regional Director and Malaysian AIDS Council President Dr. Raj Abdul Karim, Musawah Director Zainah Anwar, Former President of the Malaysian Medical Association Dr. Mary Suma Cardosa, and former Miss Malaysia Genevieve Sambhi will speak about the importance of girls’ and women’s health and rights.

“Malaysia and the region have made truly impressive advancements in maternal and reproductive health in recent years,” said Dr. Raj Abdul Karim, Women Deliver Asia Regional Director, “We should celebrate these steps forward but also recognize that our work is not done. Women Deliver 2013 will spur the conversations and action we need to ensure that girls and women are national, regional and global priorities.”


conferenceThe conference will address a number of key issues affecting girls and women in Malaysia, across Asia and worldwide. The first day of the conference will focus on the economic and social value of investing in girls and women, and the second day will concentrate on the meeting the unmet need for family planning services worldwide. With the 2015 Millennium Development Goal deadline rapidly approaching, the third and final day of the conference will call for putting girls and women at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda.

Women Deliver 2013 will direct the world’s attention to Malaysia as international leaders including Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Co-Chair Melinda Gates, UNFPA Executive Director Babatunde Osotimehin and High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda Member Graça Machel join experts from Malaysia and the region to tackle some of the critical issues facing girls and women and inspire global action.

Media registration for Women Deliver 2013 is open (https://www.cvent.com/events/women-deliver-2013-conference-registration/registra tion-ccfb71484fb4492da451fabcc2679863.aspx?r=a4ac1f48-1be7-4e12-b8f8-330e9ae698c3 ), and all accredited journalists from print, broadcast and online news outlets are eligible for complimentary registration. Media attendees will have access to all conference sessions, and benefit from a variety of on-site media amenities, including a press workroom and daily press conferences. More than 200 journalists from around the world have already registered to attend the meeting, and dozens more are expected.

WHAT  : Women Deliver 2013 Conference

WHEN  : Tuesday, May 28 — Thursday, May 30, 2013

WHERE : Kuala Lumpur Convention Center

PRESS CONFERENCES : Press conferences will occur daily and feature global leaders and advocates (Tuesday: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM; Wednesday & Thursday: 11 AM-12 PM)

PRESS PROGRAM : Online media resources, including the press program and press releases, are available here (http://www.cvent.com/events/women-deliver-2013-conference-registration/custom-14 7-ccfb71484fb4492da451fabcc2679863.aspx)

REGISTRATION : Journalists and bloggers interested in attending on-site or virtually can register here (http://www.cvent.com/events/women-deliver-2013-conference-registration/custom-13 8-ccfb71484fb4492da451fabcc2679863.aspx); on-site registration will also be available (but is not preferred)

WEBCAST : Live webcast and archived video of all plenaries and presidential sessions will be available at (http://new.livestream.com/womendeliver)

SOCIAL MEDIA : Follow @womendeliver (https://twitter.com/WomenDeliver) and #WD2013 (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WD2013&src=hash) on Twitter, and visit Women Deliver on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/womendeliver?fref=ts)






Tel   : 603-2694 1024 / 603-2696 2125

Email : mediasec@bernama.com


Name  : Datuk Dr. Raj Abdul Karim

Tel   : 6012-325 6003

Email : raj.abdulkarim@gmail.com


Name  : Pn. Norhayati Bt Adnan

Tel   : 6016-378 8853

Email : norhayati.adnan2012@gmail.com


Name  : Janna Oberdorf

Women Deliver

Tel   : +1 646-695-9124

Email : joberdorf@womendeliver.org


Name  : Jessica Freifeld

Global Health Strategies

Tel   : +1 917-922-3060

Email : jfreifeld@globalhealthstrategies.com