Home English News Indonesia set to resume search for missing AirAsia plane, relatives wait!

Indonesia set to resume search for missing AirAsia plane, relatives wait!


INDONESIA-AIRPLANE_QZ8501Jakarta, December 29 – Indonesia was set to resume at first light the search for an AirAsia plane carrying 162 people from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore, which went missing on Sunday just after the pilot requested a change in course to avoid bad weather.

Singapore said it had sent two naval vessels to help the Indonesian military look for the Airbus A320-200 operated by Indonesia AirAsia, adding a C-130 air force plane took part in the search on Sunday.

Malaysia would send three naval vessels and a C-130 to assist, Singapore’s Channel News Asia television reported. Australia, the United States, Britain, South Korea and India also offered help ranging from planes and navy ships to experts and investigators.


“We are deeply shocked and saddened by this incident,” said Indonesia AirAsia Chief Executive Sunu Widyatmoko. “We are cooperating with the relevant authorities to the fullest extent to determine the cause of this incident.”

The carrier is 49 percent owned by Malaysia-based budget carrier Air Asia. The AirAsia group, including affiliates in Thailand, the Philippines and India, has not suffered a crash since its Malaysian budget operations began in 2002.

Onboard Flight QZ8501 were 155 Indonesians, three South Koreans, one person each from Singapore, Malaysia and Britain, while the co-pilot was French. The plane was about halfway between Surabaya and Singapore when it lost contact with air traffic control at 6:17 am on Sunday, Indonesian officials said. It issued no distress call, officials added.

There was bad weather over nearby Belitung island at the time and the aircraft had been flying at 32,000 feet before asking to fly at 38,000 feet to avoid clouds, said Joko Muryo Atmodjo, air transportation director at Indonesia’s transport ministry.

The pilot “was requesting deviation due to en-route weather before communication with the aircraft was lost”, the airline added. The Indonesian pilot was experienced and the plane last underwent maintenance in mid-November, the airline said.

The aircraft had accumulated about 23,000 flight hours in some 13,600 flights, according to Airbus. Malaysia AirAsia chief Tony Fernandes flew to Surabaya and, along with Indonesian officials, updated distraught relatives of passengers at a makeshift crisis centre at the airport in Indonesia’s second-largest city.

“This is my worst nightmare,” Fernandes said on Twitter. “But there’s no stopping”, he said of the search. AirAsia swapped the distinctive bright red of its logo for grey on social media accounts and the company website as it faced its biggest ever challenge.

The incident caps a disastrous year for Malaysia-affiliated airlines. Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 went missing on March 8 on a trip from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew on board and has not been found. On July 17, the same airline’s Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board.

Air Asia 1Praying for passengers:

Indonesian President Joko Widodo urged his people to pray for the safety of the passengers and crew. During his Sunday address at St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, Pope Francis said those on board were in his prayers.

Louise Sidharta was at Singapore’s Changi Airport waiting for her fiancée to return from a family holiday. “It was supposed to be their last vacation before we got married,” she said.

A man named Purnomo told TVOne in Surabaya of his lucky escape. “I should have been on the flight … but this morning I had an emergency. I had my passport in hand.”

Like all affiliates of AirAsia, Indonesia AirAsia operates Airbus jets, of which it has 30 of the A320 model. AirAsia has ordered several hundred jets from the European planemaker, making it one of its most important customers.

The missing plane has been in service for just over six years, according to airfleets.net. Indonesian officials from the civil aviation authority and transport safety committee, which are responsible for crash investigations, arrived in Surabaya on Sunday. A transport ministry official said Indonesia would handle the probe.

“The aircraft was registered in Indonesia and it looks to be missing over Indonesian territory, so we will lead the investigation,” said the official, who asked not to be named as he was not authorised to speak to the media. “We have the expertise to do this.”