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Daily coffee may cut Alzheimer’s risk by 20 percent!

New Delhi, December 8 - Researchers have found that drinking up to five cups of coffee per day may help curb Alzheimer's risk by...

Sugary drinks possible cause of gout: New Zealand study

WELLINGTON, Sept 13- Sufferers of gout might soon be advised to add sugary drinks to the list of foods that can cause the painful...

Alcohol more harmful than heroin

SEPT 4- Here’s a sobering thought – a study published in The Lancet says that alcohol is more harmful than heroin and three times...

Study: Hot Chocolate Can Help Ageing Brains Stay Sharp

ACCRA, Aug 13- A study has shown that drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day may help aging brains remain sharp and healthy. The...

Carcinogen found in Pepsi products, Coke passes test

JULY 4- An environmental group said on Thursday that the caramel coloring used in Pepsi still contains a worrisome level of a carcinogen, even...

Five cups of coffee per day can be lethal

KUALA LUMPUR, MAY 27- Drinking five cups of coffee a day- even when decaffeinated- has been linked to obesity and chronic disease, a new...