Home GE-13 EC confident elections in Sabah won’t be affected by incidents in Lahad...

EC confident elections in Sabah won’t be affected by incidents in Lahad Datu, Semporna


MELAKA, March 5- The Election Commission (EC) is confident that the upcoming general election in Sabah will not be threatened by the bloody  incidents in the state caused by a group of armed intruders. Its chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said the security situation in Sabah would be normal again for calm to return to eastern Sabah for the elections to be held.

images (1)“However, we have a contingency plan according to the legal process if any undesirable thing occurs,” he said after a repeat briefing for Melaka and Negeri Sembilan election managers and assistant managers, here, today. Abdul Aziz said voters in Sabah should not be worried as the EC would be assisted by members of the security forces im monitoring the situation and
ensuring public safety during the upcoming general election.

“Matters involving national security and public order need to be given priority and we also don’t want any quarters to speculate on the situation there (Sabah),” he said.


The armed intrusion in Sabah, reported since Feb 12, has resulted in the killing of two police commandos in Lahad Datu last Friday and six policemen in Semporna on Saturday. Abdul Aziz said the 13th general election was close approaching and the dissolution of parliament and state assemblies to be annnounced soon.

Some 13.29 million registered voters as at last Dec 31 and gazetted in February will be casting their votes including more than two million new voters.