Home GE-13 Sarawak to deploy 1,000 additional PVR for 13th general election

Sarawak to deploy 1,000 additional PVR for 13th general election


Acryl SaniKUCHING, March 28 – A total of 1,000 members of the Police Volunteers Reserve (PVR) will be added in Sarawak to assist in peacekeeping duties for the 13th General Election (13th GE). Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani(Pic) said the additional PVR members would be deployed in Sarawak, especially at various sensitive areas.

To date, 200 PVR members have been appointed to serve in Sarawak after they succeeded and completed the one week training, he said after handing over donations of RM4,000 from the Bajau-Suluk Miri Association to the Lahad Datu Heroes Fund here, today.

Meanwhile, Acryl Sani said his department will be conducting a minor reshuffle in its plans to deploy police officers and personnel as part of preparations for the 13th general election, following the Sabah intrusion. The reshuffle has to be done as police officers and personnel from Sarawak were sent to Sabah to join other security forces to flush out terrorists, he
