Home English News Parents urged to enhance their knowledge of child development

Parents urged to enhance their knowledge of child development


babyKUALA LUMPUR, May 23 – The period between the first and 36 months of a child’s life is a very important time not only for the child but also for the parents.

During this period, proper care of the child will ensure that a solid foundation is set for the full and normal development potential of a child, physically and mentally, said a paediatrician.

Every child nevertheless is a unique being, and hence, the progress of their development milestones will vary, said an expert in paediatric care, Dr Mimita Magendra.


“It is normal for babies to develop at their own pace. Therefore, there will be a baby who will take his or her own time to achieve a development milestone already reached by other babies in the same group. But, there could also be the possibility of the child having a different X factor,” she said.

Besides the physical growth, mental and social skills development of a baby can be assessed by their stimulus response, motor coordination, and social interaction with other people.


Parents therefore should take note of their child’s development right from the time they are born, said Dr Mimita, adding that attention should be paid to their growth right from the tip of their toes to the roots of their hair.

One key area that could be used by parents for detecting anything that is not within the normal range will be to check on the movement of their child’s eyes or his/her focus, she said.

When the baby is two months old, he or she should be able to see and observe objects that are in front of him or her. During this time, parents will be able to determine whether their child is having a problem or not.

In the third month, a healthy baby will be able to move about, and by the fourth month, the baby should be able to crawl. Babies’ responses such as laughing or shouting will start around the sixth month, and by the seventh month, they would be exhibiting the need to play.

By the time they are one year old, they would already be clever enough to fit a block into a puzzle hole according to its shape while a child who is already up and walking will be able to kick a ball.


Dr Mimita, who spoke to Bernama following the launch of Johnson’s Baby of the Year search recently, meanwhile, also offered several useful tips to parents wishing to participate in the contest.

The doctor, who was one of the jurors in the final competition of the contest last year, said the cutest, healthiest and the most intelligent baby would be chosen based on several factors, including physical health, skin texture, hair, height, weight and the development of their senses as well as their mental and emotional growth.

The contest, which has entered its 21st year of competition, has crowned 20 baby boys and girls as the winners of the Johnson’s Baby of the Year title.


This year, participants will be taking home prizes worth RM50,000 in total. The winning baby’s prize will be RM10,000 in cash and a Johnson’s Baby hamper worth RM1,000 among others.

The baby in the second place will be given RM5,000 in cash and a hamper worth RM500 while the baby in the third place will be given RM3,000 in cash and a hamper worth RM300.

Consolation prizes amounting to RM500 in cash and baby hampers, each worth RM100, will also be given to each of the 17 finalists in the contest.

The contest is open to babies up to 36 months of age. Parents wishing to enter their children in the contest would have to submit two photographs that best show their children.

They would also have to purchase a minimum of RM10 worth of Johnson’s Baby products and keep the receipt as proof of their purchase.

Finally, they would have to fill up the contest form and send it together with the receipt and photographs either by post or online.

The postal address and other details are available at the following site: www.facebook/ilovejohnsonsbaby.com.

The contest forms can also be submitted at selected shops that offer free photography sessions. The deadline for the contest is June 30, 2013.