Home Business RHB Group Chief Mum On Appointment Of New Deputy CEO

RHB Group Chief Mum On Appointment Of New Deputy CEO


KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 6- Group Managing Director of RHB Banking Group, Kellee Kam, has refused to confirm market talk that Khairussaleh Ramli will be appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of RHB Bank Bhd.

rhbKam told reporters on the sidelines of a prize-presentation ceremony here on Thursday he would make the necessary announcement at an appropriate time.

It was reported on Tuesday that RHB Bank Bhd will be appointing Khairussaleh, who headed Malayan Banking Bhd’s Indonesian unit, as the deputy CEO.


Maybank had announced on Wednesday that Khairussaleh, the president director of PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk had submitted his resignation in order to return to Malaysia for personal reasons.