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Stay Positive While Fighting Cancer



Kuala Lumpur, Oct 28 – At the age of 54, Michelle Looi thought she had nothing to worry about, until her visit to a doctor confirmed that she was having non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) – a type of blood cancer.

She then remembered having swollen lymph nodes around her neck, how she sometimes experienced breathing difficulty, weight loss and how she always felt tired despite not doing any physical activity.


“When the doctor told me about NHLs, I was calm. But deep inside my heart, I kept asking why me? What have I done to have this cancer? What did I do wrong to my body,” she said when met at the third Malaysian International Conference on Holistic Healing For Lung Cancer, here today.

But Looi refused to give in to the cancer. She believed in ‘when life gives you a lemon, turn it to lemonade’, she was fortunate to have supportive families and friends to be on her side during the ‘most crucial battle’ in her life.

“My son will remind me not to think too much (about the cancer). He gave me reasons to stay positive during the frequent visits to hospital for six chemotherapy,” she recalled.

Besides modern medicine, Looi also sought alternative treatment and in her search for the best remedy to cure her illness, she was introduced to holistic approaches that focused on the positive mind, stress-free lifestyle and meditation.

Looi joined rejuvenation programs at an alternative traditional medicine centre from India and she believed that holistic treatment provided a safer way for patients to cope with negative emotion during the battle, as emotion was an important part of coping with cancer.

In August 2007, Looi received good news from her doctor: “your cancer was in remission”. Looi is 67 years old this year.

However, the small lady from Batu Gajah, Perak was tested again this year, when all mothers were celebrating Mothers Day, Looi was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphoid Leukaemia (CLL) which is the most common type of leukaemia. But the lady who had won the first battle was not afraid.

Due to her age, Looi did not go for conventional treatment. Instead she was practising the power of conscious mind, by eating well, living well and sleeping well.

“The most important thing is always to make your mind strong. Cancer is a disease, but it should not stop you from enjoying life and always be grateful for what you have, rather than be sorry for yourself,” she said.

– Bernama