Home English News WHO: Cancer Cases On The Rise

WHO: Cancer Cases On The Rise



Bangkok, Jan 5- The World Health Organisation (WHO) says the number of cancer cases is on the rise with nearly eight million people dying of the disease annually, Thai News Agency (TNA) reported.

A latest report by WHO said at present, annual cancer cases worldwide stand at 13 million with 7.6 million deaths, and global fatalities are projected to double to more than 13 million over the next 16 years.


Thailand’s permanent secretary for Public Health Dr. Narong Sahamethapat said Monday that in Thailand alone, a total of 61,082 people died of cancer in 2011 which accounted for 15 percent of over 414,000 deaths worldwide.

Narong said the ministry has endeavoured to increase cancer patients’ access to healthcare by setting up twelve health service zones across the country among other measures.

World Cancer Day is observed on Feb 4 every year.

– Bernama