Home Business Mastercard delivers new online digital payments platform ‘Masterpass’

Mastercard delivers new online digital payments platform ‘Masterpass’


6a00d834515e0d69e2015391f61dd5970bSINGAPORE, June 3 — Online shopping in Singapore is now even simpler with the launch of MasterPass, which eliminates the need for consumers to enter detailed shipping and card information to complete their online shopping at MasterPass merchant sites.

Consumers can securely store MasterCard and other branded credit, debit and prepaid card information address books and more, MasterCard said in a statment.

This simplifies the process of completing a transaction from any connected device, particularly those with smaller screens, it said.


Shoppers in Singapore will be the first in Southeast Asia to experience the offering which promises a simplified payment experience while protecting the user’s card and personal details.

By selecting “Buy With MasterPass” as the checkout option, customers reduce the risk of exposing their personal information over potentially unsafe networks and can look forward to more privacy as their details are not shared directly with merchants.

MasterPass was launched in February 2013, and in addition to Singapore, it is currently available in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy and China.

Today, over 40,000 merchants around the world accept the option to make online payments with MasterPass.