Home World China to demolish railway ministry

China to demolish railway ministry


BEIJING, March 11- The railways ministry of China will be demolished into administrative and commercial arms to increase its efficiency, said its State Council Secretary-General, Ma Kai.

“For the proposed administratives part, the state railways administration  will carry out its existing administrative functions under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport.

“While the commercial part will be run by the China Railway Corporation,”  according to the report on the institutional reform of the State Council Sunday.


_66309521_crhtrainapThe state railway administration responsibilities include establishing  railway technology standards and supervise railway work safety, transport service quality and railway project quality, the report said. The China Railway Corporation will be responsible for railway transportation dispatch and command, freight and passenger transport business management and railway construction, it said.

The current railways ministry has long been criticised over its unsatisfactory services and is entangled in corruption and safety scandals.