Home English News 12th International Tamil Internet Conference comes to Kuala Lumpur

12th International Tamil Internet Conference comes to Kuala Lumpur



(The Organising Committee of International Tamil Internet Conference to be held in Kuala Lumpur)


Kuala Lumpur, March 24 – International Forum for Information Technology (INFITT) is pleased to announce that the 12th International Tamil Internet Conference, TI-2013 will be held at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during August 15-18, 2013 .

This conference is jointly organised by INFITT and University of Malaya with the support of Faculty of Languages & Linguistics, Centre for Information Technology and Program Titian Digital.

INFITT has so far hosted eight conferences in countries such as USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany and India in collaboration with major universities such as University of California at Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, Cologne University, National University of Singapore, Annamalai University and in Tamil Nadu has organized three conferences with the full support of the Government of Tamil Nadu.

This year, INFITT’s executive committee has decided to organize the conference on August 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th at University of Malaya, Malaysia.  C.M.Elanttamil (pic) , Chairman of INFITT, will chair the Local Organising Committee (LOC).

Mr. Mani M. Manivannan, immediate past Chairman of INFITT, will chair the International Organizing Committee.

Like the earlier Tamil Internet Conferences, the TI-2013 will also have the three components – Research Conference, Exhibition and Community Program.

The research papers related to Tamil computing will be presented on August 16th and 17th.  Exhibition and Community Program will be open on August 15th,  16th, 17th and 18th.

Conference Research Program and Tamil Computing Workshops are open only to registered participants while the Exhibition and Community Programs are open to the general public.

Dr. Badri Seshadri will chair the Conference Program Committee (CPC) which will deal with research paper submissions and scheduling of the research presentations at the conference.

Research Papers invited

The organising committee is also inviting research papers related to the conference theme of “Tamil Computing for Mobile Devices.”  In addition to this, we welcome papers related to Computational Linguistics, Open Source software, eCommerce applications, and other topics of interest to Tamil computing.

In addition to hosting a forum for researchers to exchange ideas, Tamil Internet conferences also serve the larger Tamil community by spreading Tamil Computing technology as well as introducing Tamil software applications to the general public through exhibitions and community programs.

Kanithamizh Sangam will play important role in the organizing of exhibitions.

We welcome research papers on the following topics to be addressed at various technical sessions of the Conference.

  • Reading and writing Tamil in mobile phones and tablets, with particular emphasis on iOS, Android and Windows 8 platforms.
  • Applications, platforms and technology for presenting e-books and e-magazines across handheld computing devices.
  • Apps for iOS Android, Windows and HTML 5 platforms.
  • Open source Tamil software and Tamil localization.
  • NLP applications in Tamil: Spellchecker, OCR, Voice recognition, speech synthesis, Search engines, Machine Translation, Datamining, etc.
  • Current status of Tamil Internet: Blogging, Micro-blogging, Wikipedia, Podcasting etc.
  • Tamil Databases.
  • Computer Assisted Tamil Teaching  and Learning.
  • Tamil Computing glossary.

All submissions must be in the electronic form. All the abstracts and the final papers must be submitted in an editable format. This could be in the form of Plain Text, HTML, Microsoft Word or Open Office formats. PDF or similar non-editable formats shall not be accepted.

The abstracts as well as the papers may be presented in English, Tamil or bilingual (Tamil-English) format. For papers with content in Tamil or bilingual, only Unicode encoding will be accepted. Papers presented in any other encoding will be summarily rejected.

The Conference Proceedings will be published in printed paper format and as an e-book. Only those papers which are accepted and presented in person at the conference will be included in the Conference Proceedings. It is assumed that submission of a paper for possible presentation at TI2012 implies attendance at the conference and presentation in person by at least one author of the paper.

Abstracts of not more than two pages (A4 size) may be sent to the CPC at cpc@infitt.org. Conference Program Committee will send a confirmation of the receipt of the abstract. Abstracts can also be submitted through the website ti2013.infitt.org. The last date for submitting abstracts is 30th May 2013.

Prof. M. Ananda Krishnan Research Paper Awards:

From among the Research paper presenters, four (4 Nos.) best research papers will be selected for the Prof. M.Ananda Krishnan Research Paper Award.


To keep pace with the rapid technology development of handheld devices and with an aim to attract more programmers to Tamil Computing, INFITT is announcing a Global Tamil App Contest for Apple iOS, Android, Windows 8 and HTML 5 devices.  Further details on the contest are available at the INFITT web site http://ti2013.infitt.org

For further details, please contact: ed@infitt.org and chair@infitt.org.

Information about this conference will be updated on a regular basis in our website: http://ti2013.infitt.org.  You are also requested to register your participation in the conference using this website.

For further information:


Chair, INFITT, Malaysia

