Home Nation Deepak hits back, tells PM not to be a ‘sitting duck’

Deepak hits back, tells PM not to be a ‘sitting duck’


deepakKuala Lumpur, Jan 18 – Carpet trader Deepak Jaikishan (pic)today hit back at Najib Razak for questioning his credibility and demanded the prime minister to tell the truth behind private eye P Balasubramaniam’s second statutory declaration.

“It looks like your reply is the one that is not credible, while whatever I have exposed in great detail about this murder case is the truth,” said Deepak in a statement this morning.

“May I suggest that you as our ‘sitting PM’ explain the truth on the second statutory declaration (SD2) to the Malaysian public and not just sit on the PM’s chair like a ‘sitting duck’!”


The carpet trader, who had made a number of serious allegations against the PM and his wife Rosmah Mansor, again urged the powerful couple to directly respond to them.

“I do hope that at least for the sake of the credibility of the high office of prime minister of my country that you currently sit on, that you will for once address this unlawful SD2 matter and speak the truth about your wife and your unlawful involvement in planning this SD2 immediately, and not wait for another two months to pass with an elegant ‘no comment’ again.”

Last night, Najib broke his long silence over Deepak’s allegation that he and his family members were involved in a cover-up operation linked to Balasubramaniam’s SD, which alleged that the premier had a relationship with murdered Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu.

According to Deepak, he was asked by Najib and Rosmah to coerce and entice Balasubramaniam, who is in self-imposed exile in India, to disavow his original statutory declaration.

“It’s not true. He is not a credible person,” Najib said at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur following the BN supreme council meeting.

‘I was instructed by your wife’

Deepak has equated the curt reply by Najib to the earlier “no comment” response given by prominent lawyer Cecil Abraham to Malaysiakini.

“It is an awful answer as a prime minister of Malaysia to give, that too after two months. Were you also sleeping all this while?”

“What is most important is that both you and your wife come forward now to specifically reveal the truth to the entire Malaysian public on why she instructed me to reverse the SD2 and why did both of you instructed (Najib’s younger brother) Nazim (Razak), Cecil and (police officer) Suresh to do this unlawful reversal of the first SD in the first place?”

“Isn’t this because the first SD was the truth?” he added.

Despite repeated attempts to get a response, Cecil has refused to say anything about his alleged role in the matter.

Nazim, too, has declined to respond.

– Malaysiakini