Home Nation Indian community performs religious ceremony to remember national heroes

Indian community performs religious ceremony to remember national heroes


nong-chikKUALA LUMPUR, March 31- A total 170 people from the Indian community in Taman Sri Sentosa, Old Klang Road yesterday held a religious ceremony to remember national heroes who died fighting terrorists in Sabah recently.

The 45-minute ceremony at the Sree Jadha Muniswarar Temple, here, was jointly organised by the Lembah Pantai Gerakan branch, 1Malaysia Lembah Pantai Centre and Malaysian Armed Forces Indian Veterans Association.

It was witnessed by Federal Territory and Urban Wellbeing Minister Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin who was outside the temple.


Talking to reporters later, Raja Nong Chik said, the communities in the country must be united and must always appreciate the sacrifices of the members of the security forces who fought to defend the sovereignty of the nation.

“We only realise the importance of the role of the security forces which have performed many good deeds, not only when the country is being threatened  but at all times, when the incident (in Sabah) took place,” he said.

He also said, RM150,000 was collected under the Lembah Pantai, Barisan Nasional Lahad Datu Warrior’s Fund.