Home Nation Pandan folk root for Tee Keat

Pandan folk root for Tee Keat


Ong Tee KeatKUALA LUMPUR: Various residents associations in the Pandan area have been rallying in support of outgoing MP Ong Tee Keat since it was confirmed early this week that MCA will be fielding newcomer Gary Lim in his place.

Last night, in one of the rallies, more than 300 residents of Cahaya Indah gathered in their neighbourhood and displayed placards urging Barisan Nasional to field him as a direct candidate of the coalition.

“Ong is a role model for BN leaders,” a spokesman for the residents, YC Lee, said.


“He has proven his dedication, commitment and integrity in serving the voters in this constituency in all these years.

“We are asking, ‘Why has Barisan changed the candidate for Pandan?’

“The residents, especially flat owners and traders and business operators, are happy with his service and proud of him.”

A resident identifying himself as a Buddhist said Ong was much respected as the deputy president of the Buddhist Light International Association.

He said his teenage children looked up to Ong as an example of a hard working and trustworthy man. “They asked why the government had decided to replace him. I could not give them any answer.”

Another resident, 47-year-old Phang, said BN chairman Najib Tun Razak’s refusal to field Ong in the election made nonsense of his promise to choose election candidates with winning qualities.

“Many residents I know are supportive of Barisan, but I am afraid this time they feel betrayed,” said Phang.

Residents interviewed by FMT said they would support Ong if he were to stand in Pandan as an independent candidate, but many of them added that they were still harbouring the hope that BN would change its mind.

Many said they would organise themselves to ensure mass voting for Ong.

“We will make sure Gary Lim loses his deposit,” said a resident who identified himself only as Tan.

Spokesman Lee said more protests would be held in the next couple of days by residents’ associations in other parts of the Pandan constituency.

Some of the recent pro-Ong demonstrations were recorded on video and have been posted on YouTube by a group called Gabungan Penyokong OTK.

Ong was the only MCA candidate who won a seat in Selangor in 2008.