Home Politics Anwar: Kiss from an Indian won’t salvage Zul Noordin

Anwar: Kiss from an Indian won’t salvage Zul Noordin


Apr 23, 2013-A kiss is just a kiss, and even one from an Indian Malaysian BN supporter won’t be enough to salvage Shah Alam parliamentary candidate Zulkifli Noordin, or be a salve for the “utter disgust” that the community has for him, said Anwar Ibrahim.

“It is rare that we have a politician like this, full of racial bigotry, demeaning to other religions and faiths,” he told a press conference at the PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya today.

“What is the secret, that BN chairperson Najib Abdul Razak would field him? It’s baffling. Its mind boggling.”


NONEHe related that the sentiment of Indian Malaysians towards Zulkifli(left), the vice-president of Malay rights group Perkasa, was of “utter disgust” and this could not be salvaged with just a kiss.

Last weekend, as nominations were being filed for the Shah Alam seat, an Indian supporter was photographed planting a big wet kiss on Zulkifli’s cheek while holding the slightly startled BN candidate in a bear hug.

Najib went to town at a ceramah last night, calling the kiss an indication that Indians have accepted the “reformed” candidate who has apologised for comments deemed to be racists.

Najib said Zulkifli would now champion Indian causes by building temples and schools for them in Shah Alam.

Zulkifli, well known for his caustic statements, was caught on camera belittling Hindus and their religion, but has since apologisedfor this.

Najib and BN leaders have described Zulkifli as the prototype of the BN’s political transformation, as a candidate who showcases the coalition’s willingness to transform itself.

‘Umno in dissarray’

But what compelled Najib to field the Perkasa veep, said Anwar, is unprecedented in the history of Umno’s hegemony over BN and may signal stormy weather for the Malay party.

NONE“In 55 years, I have never seen BN concede a seat to any party that is not a part of the coalition,” he said.

He was referring to the BN conceding the Shah Alam to Zulkifli – who had quit PKR to become an Independent after the 2008 general election – and the Pasir Mas to Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali, after the Umno nominee refused to file his papers on April 20.

This, coupled with the sacking of 61 Umno members, including senior office bearers, for running as Independents against BN candidates to express their displeasure over the line-up, shows that all is far from well within Umno, Anwar said.

“Never has such cracks been seen in Umno prior to a general election…  This is positive development for Pakatan but it reflects that (Umno) is in disarray,” he claimed.