Home English News Kuala Besut by-election on July 24, early voting on July20, nomination July...

Kuala Besut by-election on July 24, early voting on July20, nomination July 12


PUTRAJAYA, July 5 – The Election Commission (EC) has fixed the N01 Kuala Besut state seat by-election for July 24, early voting for July 20 and nomination for July 12.

Abdul Aziz Mohd YusoffIts chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said the electoral roll to be used would be the 2011 Master Electoral Roll (DPI) combined with the Supplementary Electoral Roll (DPT) of the first, second, third and fourth quarters of 2012 and the first quarter of 2013.

“Nine polling stations will be opened – one for early voting and eight for regular voting,” he told reporters after chairing a special meeting on the Kuala Besut by-election, here, today.


The Kuala Besut state seat is now vacant following the death of its incumbent assemblyman, Dr A. Rahman Mokhtar, 55, on June 26 due to lung cancer.

In the 13th general election (GE13) on May 5, Dr Rahman defeated Napisah Ismail from PAS with a 2,434-vote majority.

Abdul Aziz said the electoral roll contained the names of 17,683 registered voters, comprising 16,534 regular voters, 1,134 military personnel and their spouses, 14 police personnel and an overseas absentee voter.

He said for regular voting, eight schools would be used as polling centres  with 35 polling streams.

“For early voting, the Gong Kedak Royal Malaysian Air Force multipurpose hall will be used as the polling centre with two polling streams. A total of 305 election staff will be appointed.”

terengganuAbdul Aziz said the estimated cost to carry out the by-election was RM760,000.

In the recent general election, Terengganu Barisan Nasional (BN) was able to form the state government when it won with a simple majority, securing 17 of the 32 state seats contested. Abdul Aziz said for postal voting, the application could be made starting today.

“The closing date for Malaysian citizens abroad is on the nomination day while for the election officers and media practitioners, the closing date is two days after the nomination day.”

He said the voters could check the electoral roll to find out their polling centre and stream from the EC’s website at www.spr.gov.my or via sms by typing SPR space SEMAK identity card no and send to 15888, starting July 11.

“To ensure the by-election runs smoothly, all quarters are advised to follow instructions from the police including during the campaign period.”

Asked whether mosques could be used for campaigning, he said the EC did not have the authority over this as this was under the state’s jurisdiction.

For the purpose of monitoring all campaign activities during the official campaign period, an enforcement team led by an enforcement officer had been formed, he said.