Home English News Rihanna’s charity for wolves

Rihanna’s charity for wolves


AUG 5- Pop star Rihanna has donated cash to a sanctuary in the US to save wolves.

The 25-year-old star has become obsessed with the predators, and so she has donated a large portion of her 30 million pounds-fortune to Wolf Haven Sanctuary, reports femalefirst.co.uk.

Rihanna-Diamonds-608“Rihanna loves animals, and she has become particularly fascinated with wolves recently. She has earned a huge amount since she burst on to the scene in her teens,” Daily Mirror newspaper quoted a source as saying.


“She wanted to do some good with it, and she would love to be able to save her favourite creatures from extinction. So she couldn’t think of anywhere better to offer a boost to than the non-profit group, Wolf Haven. She sent them a five-figure sum,” added the source.

As well as giving away the hefty sum, Rihanna has adopted her own wolf and is said to be especially concerned with the plight of the Mexican wolf, the most endangered mammal in North America.