Home English News Dr Subramaniam Mum On Palanivel’s Plans To Stay On As MIC President

Dr Subramaniam Mum On Palanivel’s Plans To Stay On As MIC President


PUTRAJAYA, Sept 4- MIC deputy president Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam has declined to comment on the announcement by MIC president Datuk Seri G.Palanivel that the latter might continue to hold the position after his term ends in 2016.

DS-Subra“I’d rather choose not to comment about it because I don’t want to be caught in a debate in the papers.

“But the philosophy of my continuity (in the party) will be based on the importance of the community and the party and the nation,” he told a news conference after launching the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) Conference and Exhibition 2013 here Tuesday.


However, he said as he and Palanivel were good friends, they will continue to discuss on matters of importance to the party.

“If our energy is scattered in politics, then we will not be able to concentrate on the nation building and community building process,” he said.

On Sept 1, Palanivel, who was elected as the eighth MIC president unopposed, announced that he might continue to hold the president post even after his term ends in 2016 on account of receiving overwhelming support from the branch chairmen.