Home Nation Selangor police shut down 20 illegal Gambling premises with cooperation of TNB

Selangor police shut down 20 illegal Gambling premises with cooperation of TNB


SHAH ALAM, Feb 9 – Selangor Police Chief Datuk Tun Hisan Tun said a total of 21 illegal gambling premises were shut down from December 2012 to Jan 27 this year through cooperation with Selangor Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).

images (3)He said cooperation from TNB was important in curbing illegal gambling activities at cyber cafes as the gambling centres were raided after electricity supply was cut off.

“If not, will be fighting a losing battle,” he told reporters after attending briefing between Selangor TNB and the Selangor Police here today.


He said efforts to fight illegal gambling was vital as it destroyed families and was also a cause in the rise in illicit money movement in the state.

Meanwhile, Selangor TNB general manager Datuk Mohd Azim Yusof said they also needed to work with the police to stop vandalism and theft of material such as aluminium doors, copper strips, wire and electric cables from their substations.
He added that last year alone, Selangor TNB incurred losses of almost RM2.5 million due to theft.