Home English News 2013 Umno Elections Prodecure

2013 Umno Elections Prodecure


BENTONG, Sept 30 – The following is the 2013 Umno elections procedure that must be followed by all delegates eligible to vote at the party elections in Oct.

umnoThis procedure is based on a simulation carried out for the Umno national level election at the Umno Empowerment Training Institute (ILMU) in Janda Baik from Sept 27 to 29.

The election of Supreme Council members and delegates to 2013 Umno general assembly is held simultaneously with the division meeting on Oct 19 while the election for the committee members and the Exco members of the three wings will be held on Oct 12.


1. Delegates/wings meeting:

* Registration of delegates from 8am by producing identification cards.

* Meeting starts according to the agenda including the tabling of annual statements and statements of accounts before handing over to the Election Committee chairman for the Umno division election.

2. Voting.

* Delegates who register will receive a set of ballot papers.

* Delegates will fill their candidate number in the ballot box based on the post contested.

* Delegates drop the ballot papers in the ballot box according to the post and level (national/division).

* After voting, the delegates will continue with the meeting agenda while ballot boxes are taken to the hall for the counting of votes.

The voting process is done separately for each wing of the party.

3. Counting:

* Counting of votes is done at the divisions respectively.

* Checking is done by category such as valid votes, spoilt votes and doubtful votes in the presence of candidates representatives and sorted according to the candidates number.

* Counting of votes is done using automated counting machines.

* Head of district polling centres make the overall tally and verified by the auditors appointed.

* Counting of votes for the post of Supreme Council members and Exco of the three wings will also be done.

4. Announcement of results

* Announcement of the results for division level will be done by the permanent chairman of the division.

* Announcement of the election at national level is done by Umno headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

5. Documentation:

* All ballot papers will be recorded and kept for a certain period for reference purposes.

* All election documents will be kept at Umno headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

Some 146,000 delegates will vote simultaneously to elect the division leadership while 100,000 will vote for Wanita, 70,000 for Youth and 50,000 for Puteri.