Home Business Mercedes’ New Financing Plan To Help Buyers Secure Future Value Of Vehicles

Mercedes’ New Financing Plan To Help Buyers Secure Future Value Of Vehicles



Kuala Lumpur, Dec 19 – Mercedes-Benz Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd’s customers can now secure the future value of their vehicles with Agility Financing, an innovative hire purchase-based installment plan, said Managing Director, Hilke Janssen.

In a statement here Thursday, Janssen said the first-of-its-kind financing plan offered more value to Mercedes-Benz vehicle customers to finance their vehicles through enhanced flexibility, security and affordability with a guaranteed future value.


“As a car financing expert, Mercedes-Benz Services Malaysia continues to develop creative financial offerings to enhance our customers’ financing experience. Through the new financing plan, we are making the process of owning a new or upgraded Mercedes-Benz more seamless,” she said.

She said the volatility of the car market was often the cause of uncertainty among buyers.

“With the introduction of Agility, we are able to protect our passenger car customers against the loss of value in vehicles at the end of an agreement,” she said.

Agility is Mercedes-Benz Services Malaysia’s financing option yet, particularly for car enthusiasts who wish to replace their Mercedes-Benz vehicles regularly without the hassle of selling an existing car.

It targets customers who want to own a Mercedes-Benz car by means of cash flow flexibility while having security of the vehicle’s future value.

– Bernama