Home English News January Is The Breakup Month: Survey

January Is The Breakup Month: Survey



London, Jan 20 – Everyone seeks a fresh start once the New Year arrives. A study reveals that one of the main reasons for ending a relationship in January is because people want a fresh start. This, along with Christmas stress, has made the first month of the year the breakup month.

The study was conducted by money saving brand vouchercloud.com (http://www.vouchercloud.co.in).  They questioned 1,881 men and women in Britain aged 18 and over, who have gone through a relationship breakup at some time in their lives.


It showed that January is the most common month for separations. A fifth of people, who have experienced a failed relationship, said that it occurred during the first month of the year.

“Christmas is a stressful time, which can often cause friction in relationships. Combine this with the January blues and a lot of couples may lose direction. It’s no surprise that many struggle to get through this period,” femalefirst.co.uk quoted Matthew Wood, Global Sales Director, vouchercloud, as saying.

According to the survey, some of the factors that contributed to relationship problems include family pressures pulling you apart, depressing weather, and financial problems.

Continued impact of Christmas stress was the most common factor.
