Home Nation Make 2013 a year of the Smile – Omar Osman

Make 2013 a year of the Smile – Omar Osman


imageKUALA LUMPUR, Feb 15 – “A smile is a curve that sets everything right” and for that the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Service (CUEPACS) wants civil servants to make 2013 the year of the smile.

Its president, Datuk Omar Osman, made this suggestion after finding that smiling had yet to be a culture among most government employees.

“Many smile campaigns have been held, but the awareness to make smiling a culture is still low.


“Don’t bring personal problem to office. If we can have a happy mood at the office, our work productivity will also increase,” he told Bernama.

He said department heads should emphasise the matter at every meetings to get their staff to make smiling a culture, especially when attending to customers.

“We do acknowledge that every departments have their own work charter where smiling as a culture is included in some, but is not practised.

“Some offices even made it compulsory for their staff to wear the smile tag on their uniform, but the tag is worn merely as an accessory,” he added. Omar said he had received several complaints of unsatisfactory service or
treatment by civil servants from the public. He said department heads could invite CUEPACS to give talks on making smiling a culture to their staff.