Home English News John Kerry invites global experts to US to help save oceans!

John Kerry invites global experts to US to help save oceans!


john-kerryJune 14 – The US Department of State will host a global conference called “Our Ocean” on June 16, 17, 2014, at Washington D.C. This convention plans to bring together government officials, scientists and business people from around the world to help protect the four oceans on our planet.

“We’re going to bring together government officials, scientists, advocates, business people, and the men and women whose livelihoods and well-being depends on the ocean in order to discuss three key issues: sustainable fisheries, marine pollution, and acidification (of the ocean).

We will engage with science and we will explore these challenges. And ultimately, we will chart a way forward for a more sustainable, healthy ocean” said US Secretary John Kerry, asking the media to be a partner in covering the convention.


This conference is a follow up of the Global Oceans Action Summit held earlier this year in April at The Hague in Netherlands, where 70 heads of government, ministers, captains of industry and NGOs met to improve the health of oceans and preserve fish stocks as a source of income and food. It resulted in a new charter of commitments.

Kerry issued a ‘Call to Action’ in a media advisory from the Public Affairs Office of the Embassy of the United States of America. He appealed to the people around the globe to make a personal commitment to create a healthier ocean.