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This is how peers influence young adults’ sexual habits!

London, September 17 - If you want to know if your growing kid is learning healthy sexual habits, check on his college friends. According to significant...

Health alert: Choose low-carb diet for weight loss, better heart!

New York, September 15 - A low-carbohydrate diet is more effective for weight loss and reducing cardio-vascular risk factors than a low-fat diet, according to...

Like regular cigarettes, e-cigarettes may be a ‘gateway’ to harder drugs

New Delhi, September 12 - Like conventional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes may function as a "gateway drug" that can prime the brain to be more...

Dealing with depression!

New Delhi, September 10 - Last month, Robin Williams' death sent shockwaves through the entire world. The man who was known for making millions...

Health update: Watch your diet to reduce diabetes risk!

London, September 5 - What you eat and drink, and not just the number of calories, is a significant factor in diabetes risk, a study...

Food buzz: Five reasons why you should eat pomegranate!

London, September 3 - Pomegranate has many health benefits, and it can do wonders for one's skin too. From playing the role of powerful antioxidant...

Health buzz: Wine good for your heart only if you exercise!

London, September 2 - If you think moderate wine drinking can protect against cardio-vascular diseases (CVDs), you are probably right: Just mix daily exercise to...

Food buzz: For the love of olives!

New Delhi, August 29 - Chef Ritu Dalmia along with Giuseppe Dibisceglia, director of Consortium for the quality standard protection of Table Olive launched a...

Health alert: Treatment of ankle sprain with acupuncture!

New Delhi, August 27 - Ankle sprain is a common condition of the motor system. It occurs when the balance of the body is broken,...

Salt can kill cancer cells, reveals study

London, August 14-The next weapon to effectively fight cancer could be salt as researchers have found that an influx of salt into a cell triggers...