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Ministry waiting for scientific evidence before banning Sisha, E-Cigarette

SEREMBAN, July 8- The health ministry is waiting for more scientific evidence before making a decision to ban or regulate sisha and e-cigarette. Minister Datuk...

Even thinking of stress can make you sick

JULY 2- Researchers have found just thinking about being stressed can make individuals fall seriously ill and even increase the chance of suffering a...

Over 600 cases of dengue reported nationwide in first half of...

GEORGE TOWN, July 1- More than 600 cases of dengue fever were reported nationwide in the first six months of this year, said Health...

M’sia committed to continue reducing HIV/AIDS infection

KUALA LUMPUR, July 1- Malaysia has been able to turn the tide on the HIV/AIDS epidemic, having successfully halved the number of newly reported...

Thousand of Cuban benefit from Heberprot- P Drug for Diabetics

HAVANA, June 27- Some 21,000 people suffering diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) have been treated in Cuba with Heberprot-P, considered the only alternative to prevent...

Stay healthy during the haze

KUALA LUMPUR, JUNE 25- While some of us have imposed a self-regulated house arrest (remember keep those windows shut), there are others who are...

Increase in Haze – related illness cases including by over 100...

PUTRAJAYA, June 24 - There has been a marked increase in the number of asthma and other haze-related respiratory cases seeking treatment at  the...

‘Where2go Ultimate Challenge’ – Raise Awareness of Healthy Lifestyle

GEORGE TOWN, Jun 19 - The 'Where2go Ultimate Challenge' international event to be held on June 26 hopes to raise awareness about health among...

Mental Health issues at workplace need to be addressed- Lee

KUALA LUMPUR, June 12- Mental health issues at the workplace should be given due attention as productivity of the staff of any organisation depends...

Yoga not just for body, but also brain: Researchers

JUNE 7- The enormous benefits that regular practice of yoga yields in increasing the flexibility of the body is well known. Researchers now show...