Home English News More Indian Ministers in Mahathir’s Cabinet?

More Indian Ministers in Mahathir’s Cabinet?


Putra Jaya – With two Indian Ministers already appointed the Indian community is still hoping for another Minister in Tun Mahathir’s cabinet.

This is because both the Indian Ministers are from DAP and so far there is no one from PKR which also has several parliament members elected at the 14th general election.

It is widely expected that Sungei Buloh Parliament member R.Sivarasa or Kuala Langat member of Parliament Dr Xavier Jayakumar could be appointed in Mahathir’s cabinet as the PKR Indian representatives.


There is also a possibility for Sivarasa to be appointed as one of the Deputy Speakers of Parliament since he is also a lawyer by profession.

At least 2 Deputy Ministers are also expected to be appointed representing the Indian community.

There are also hopes that Waythamurthy, leader of Hindraf could be appointed as a Minister or Deputy Minister by being appointed as a Senator.

Hindraf supported Pakatan Harapan coalition during GE-14 but since the appointment of Mahathir as Prime Minister, there has been deft silence as to the role of the movement in his cabinet.

Mahathir announced that his cabinet would comprise of some 25 members smaller than 31-member cabinet managed by his predecessor Najib Tun Razak.

With 13 Ministers already appointed on the 21st of May, the balance members of the cabinet are expected to be appointed in the next few days before Mahathir leaves for Japan on his first scheduled foreign visit.
