Home Business Public Bank Donates RM100,000 For IJN Half-way House

Public Bank Donates RM100,000 For IJN Half-way House


press-324KUALA LUMPUR, July 31- Public Bank Founder and Chairman Tan Sri Dr Teh Hong Piow (photo) today donated RM100,000 to the National Heart Institute (IJN) for the management and operational costs to run the dormitory.

He handed the cheque to IJN Foundation Chairperson Toh Puan Dr Aishah Ong at Menara Public Bank today.

“This donation is part of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of the Public Bank. I hope the financial assistance will further assist IJN Foundation with the operational and management costs in running the dormitory, which has proven to be beneficial to the families and relatives of underprivileged and needy heart patients,” Teh said in a statement today.


The donation is part of the bank’s annual grant totalling RM500,000, which began in 2010 for the running and upkeep of the IJN Foundation-Public Bank Dormitory, a half-way house located at IJN here.

“The initiatives taken by Teh and Public Bank to partner with IJN Foundation for the betterment and well-being of the patients are lauded and should be exemplary to other corporate organisations in living up its CSR commitment to those who really matters,” Aishah said.