Home Lifestyle When Do You Need Body Polishing?

When Do You Need Body Polishing?


March 12,2013-Body polishing is usually a part of your bridal beauty package and you don’t bother to check what it actually is. If you did, you would know that body polishing can be done at home too.

In fact, it is not a complicated process at all. Body polishing is actually an improvised kind of body massage which makes your skin glow and shine. Usually body polishing is done to even out your complexion or to remove tan. Whether you do body polishing at home or in the salon, you need to know when you need this skin care treatment.

Uneven Tan


Body polishing be it at home or in a parlour, mainly works on the concealed parts of the body like the back, the stomach and the thighs. So if you have been to a beach and picked up a uneven tan that need to be removed, you can try this procedure.

Back Acne Marks

Back acne is a painful problem. And even after the itching and pain of the acne on your back subside, it often leaves behind marks. So if you have acne marks, blemishes or dark spots on your back, you should try this skin lighting body massage to get rid of them.


Your entire body needs to be equally radiant before and after your wedding for obvious reasons. Most women have patchy skin, dark spots and uneven complexion on their body. That is why almost every bridal package includes body polishing in it.

Cut-out Dresses/Blouses

As we have already said, this beauty treatment lightens the hidden parts of your body. But if you are planning to wear cut-out dresses, backless blouses or scooped outfits, you must ensure that your complexion is even.

After Chicken Pox

If you have suffered from chicken pox or measles in the adult stage, it invariably leaves marks on your body. Your body also darkens under the assaualt of the viral infection. It is a good idea to get your body polished after you recover from a severe disease like chicken pox.

Sudden Weight Loss

As you put on weight, your skin stretches and look fair. But when you lose weight all of a sudden, it makes your skin darken and sag. So if you have recently lost some weight, get your body polished to look radiant again.

After Pregnancy

The woman goes through stress and trauma after childbirth. That is why, it might be wise to get body polishing done in your postnatal phase. These are some situations in which you can try body polishing? Have you ever tried it yourself? Share your experience with us.