Home Nation PPUKM succeeds in performing brain surgery while patient is awake

PPUKM succeeds in performing brain surgery while patient is awake


UKMKUALA LUMPUR, March 14 – A team of neurosurgeons from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) created a new success story when they performed a brain surgery while the patient is wide awake.  UKMMC in a statement here today said, what more amazing was the fact that the patient had fully recovered and currently in a very healthy condition.

The unique neurosurgical procedure, dubbed ‘Awake Craniotomy’, was performed last Feb 8 and was led by neurosurgeon Assoc Prof Dr Ramesh Kumar. He was assisted by three other neurosurgeons, Dr Toh Charng Jeng, Dr Sanmugarajah Paramasvaran and Dr Ainul Jaafar, as well as anesthetist Dr Esa Kamuruzzaman.

The procedure was done to remove tumors located in or around the eloquent areas, namely the motor, sensory or speech controlling areas of the brain, while causing minimum or no injury to the surrounding normal brain tissues.