Home English News “Wake up! Don’t live in a cave” – Vel Paari criticises Ramasamy!

“Wake up! Don’t live in a cave” – Vel Paari criticises Ramasamy!



Kuala Lumpur – MIC Treasurer General criticised Penang Penang Deputy Chief Minister Prof P.Ramasamy on his comments against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. In a press statement, Vel Paari told Ramasamy to “wake up and not live in a cave”.

The following is the full text of Vel Paari’s press statement:


1. P. Ramasamy has once again shot himself in the foot by criticizing the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Haji Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak and our former Prime Ministers for so called failures to “uplift the poor Indian community” in Malaysia.

ramasamy2. In addition, P. Ramasamy was also quoted as saying that the Prime Minister is little too late to praise Indians in Malaysia. This is based on PM’s recent speech in Chennai, India.

3. However, what P. Ramasamy forgot or simply did not take the effort to research and read was that Datuk Seri Najib about a year after becoming PM had in fact also acknowledged the contributions of the Indian community in July,2010 ( Ref : http://m.timesofindia.com/indians-abroad/MIC-chief-lauds-Najib-for-acknowledging-Indians-contributions/articleshow/6155519.cms ).

4. Therefore the allegation that the PM’s speech was to gain votes from the Indian community to face the coming general election is a blatant lie from P. Ramasamy and an irresponsible attempt to tarnish the image of our PM who is India now for a working visit. Is P. Ramasamy trying to sabotage this visit so that the PM’s effort in bringing in crucial investment from India into Malaysia fails and so that they can use this “failure” to again attack the PM?

najib-modi-meeting delhi-najib visit-01042017

Najib, who is on a 5 day official visit to India, met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday, paving the way for the execution 7 crucial agreements between the two nations…

5. May I again remind P.Ramasamy that his party now is also working together with Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who was once the Prime Minister of Malaysia, serving in that position for a good 22 years, which is more than one third of the 60 year period, independent Malaysia was in existence. Mahathir was also a constant target of P. Ramasamy for his so called failures to “uplift the poor Indian community” in Malaysia.

“There is nothing for Indians to be proud of when it comes to Mahathir.His policies in promoting concept of Bumiputera bordering on racism and exclusivity denied other communities their legitimate expectations. While there was opposition, it was too weak to challenge the racist policies of Mahathir” Ramsamy once said.

Mahathir (500x333)But now P. Ramasamy and DAP seem to be ignorant of their earlier accusations against Tun Dr. Mahathir since they need his assistance for their own political mileage. DAP has made a major U – Turn by working and joining forces with Tun Dr. Mahathir to remove the current Prime Minister. What a hypocritical bunch!

6. The constant phrase in P. Ramasamy statements all the time is that the BN government and especially MIC has failed to uplift the Indian community but this is false and just a lame attempt by P. Ramasamy to hide his weakness in Penang. Since P. Ramasamy seems to be oblivious to the various Indian – specific initiatives and programs under the BN government I would gladly share with him these details.

7. Last year, during the opening of MIC’s 70th annual assembly here, the PM had announced the need for a national blueprint  for the Indian community. He said that it was necessary because past initiatives for the community have not effectively trickled down to the community. The PM was being honest and has taken concrete steps to resolve this. Part of the blueprint also consists of various Indian – specific initiatives.

mic-assembly-2016-subra-garlanding-pmPrime Minister Najib attending the MIC General Assembly last year (2016)…

8. Some of the significant contributions of the Prime Minister to the Indian community was the establishment of The Secretariat for Empowerment of Indian Entrepreneurs (SEED) which is directly parked under the Prime Minster’s Department. The BN government, via SEED has channeled hundreds of millions of ringgit (approximately RM 696,000,000) to assist and empower Indian entrepreneurs in their businesses. As of now, 23, 851 entrepreneurs has been assisted via this program since 2012.  (Reference: http://www.seed.org.my/news/detail.php?id=20)

9. In addition to SEED, the BN government under the Prime Minister has also set up a special unit, Socio-Economic Development of the Indian Community, set up in the Prime Minister’s Department. This special unit was given RM 100,000,000 to assist non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and training institutions of the Indian community.

najib-modi-india visit-joint press conference

10. In addition to the above, the Prime Minister had also announced special incentives for the Indian community such as TEKUN loan as much as RM 50 million, RM 30 million in micro-credit financing via Amanah Ikthiar Malaysia, RM 30 million for Indian women entrepreneurs, RM 30 million for youth training and finally hundreds of million for maintenance and repair of Tamil schools. All of these Indian – specific initiatives compliments the annual general budget that is presented by the government for the general public.

11. I have presented all the Indian – specific initiatives and efforts taken by the Prime Minister to alleviate the social-economy status of the Indian community since assuming the leadership of the country. The question is, what has the DAP in Penang done for the Indian community in assisting the community via Indian – specific initiatives? In all honesty the opposition has done nothing for the Indian – community. If DAP is daring enough, why have they never published the numbers of Indian families who managed to get a low cost house in Penang?

DAP Logo 298 x 29512. The point is very simple. P.Ramasamy is getting insecure with the continued perseverance and dedication of the PM in reaching out to engage with the Indian community. Due to the PMs popularity with the Indian community, the opposition is now bankrupt of ideas that they are resorting to all acts of belittling the efforts taken by the Prime Minister for the Indian community.

13. As a conclusion, I can reiterate and confirm again that P. Ramasamy and DAP can rant and foam through their mouth attacking the Prime Minister for his Indian – specific initiatives but they themselves fail to assist the Indian community to improve the community’s social and economic status. Fortunately, the Indian community has now come to realise that the opposition cannot be trusted and counted in times of hardship.

14. It is only the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Subramaniam and MIC that are working hard for the Indian community and this has got the opposition worried. That is why they are attacking PM and MIC, it is because the initiatives introduced are gaining traction and showing good results for the community. We in MIC will keep up the momentum and good work that is being done by the Prime Minister despite what is being said by the opposition.