Home Nation M’sia highlights to UN resource mobilisation key element in Peacebuilding

M’sia highlights to UN resource mobilisation key element in Peacebuilding


KUALA LUMPUR, March 27 – Malaysia underscores that resource mobilisation is a key element in supporting countries in transit to peace, said Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations (UN) Datuk Hussein Haniff(Pic).

“Without national capacity, there can be no governance and without resources, there can be no development,” he said at the Annual Debate of the Peacebuilding Commission and Peacebuilding Fund at UN Headquarters, New York yesterday.
His speech was faxed to Bernama here today.

Hussein said Malaysia was encouraged with the increased contribution of US$80.5 million to the fund last year and that this demonstrated a widespread belief and trust in it by member states and donor entities in supporting the peacebuilding agenda of the UN.


3“While the fund has contributed to the work of the commission and various other countries and UN agencies, Malaysia would like to underline for more member states and international donors to contribute to the fund,” he said.

He said at the same time, Malaysia would also like to echo for transparency and accountability in the disbursement of the fund in ensuring the best practises are inculcated in managing the fund.  Hussein said peacebuilding requires the cooperation and coordination of all key players, both international and from the host country.

He said the Peacebuilding Commission and the Peacebuilding Fund had continued to play this important role of supporting nations in duress to stabilise and prosper.

“We should continue to support the commission and the fund in this noble endeavour. It is Malaysia’s aspiration to see greater commitment from member states and international players to support of sustainable peace and stability
through the work of the commission,” he said.

He said Malaysia stood ready and looked forward to working closely with all its members in support of peacebuilding. He said Malaysia was not new in supporting development and progress of developing countries and countries emerging from conflict.

“We have continued to demonstrate our commitment in the development of human capital and governance through the Malaysia Technical Cooperation Programme which benefited officials from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Central African Republic,” he added.

He said through the programme, Malaysia had trained a total of 163 officials from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau, in various programmes including capacity building programme, public administration, agricultural management, diplomacy and customs and law enforcement. On the commission’s advisory role on peacebuilding matters with UN Organs, particularly the Security Council, he said, Malaysia encouraged further consultations and discussions between the two organs to support peacebuilding programmes in the countries under the commission’s agenda.

“Malaysia commends the progress made in enhancing relations between the commission and the Security Council,” he said.