Home GE-13 Free Election Kit now available for all

Free Election Kit now available for all


KUALA LUMPUR, March 29 – Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has introduced the ‘Kit Jom Bertindak’ (Let’s Act Kit) to help Malaysians fulfill their responsibility in the impending 13th general election.  The kit, introduced through the Prime Minister’s Facebook page on March 18, includes a voting guide book containing simple and easy-to-understand information on the process.

The 12-page book, which gives a step-by-step guide on how voters should prepare themselves, features 10 related topics such as voter eligibility and how to check voter status at the Election Commission (EC) website and tips for polling day.  It also answers popular questions on new regulations implemented by the EC, such as the use of indelible ink, eligibility for postal voting and what to do if a voter’s identification card goes missing before election.

imageThe book includes illustrated plans of polling areas to facilitate the voting process and shows the right way to mark ballots to prevent spoiled votes from occurring.  Besides the guide book, the kit also contains a sticker, car sticker, pen and collar pin.  The kit is free for all and can be requested from www.1Malaysia.com.my.
