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Shahrizat reminds Wanita BN leaders to avoid being trapped in opposition’s special project


KOTA KINABALU, April 3 – Wanita Barisan Nasional (BN) chief Datuk SeriShahrizat Abdul Jalil today reminded all Wanita BN leaders who are not fielded in the 13th general election to avoid being trapped in the opposition’s special project aimed at taking advantage of their situation.  Instead, she said they should continue to fight, to stay loyal and to give undivided support to the coalition to ensure victory for BN.

“I would like to ask all Wanita leaders who have voluntarily and sincerely agreed to make way for others, as well as those who didn’t have the opportunity to contest in the 13th general election, to continue giving undivided support to the BN.

“Don’t let ourselves be influenced by the opposition which I’m sure will come out with a special project to persuade and influence those who are not fielded as BN candidates.”


Shahrizat, who is National Welfare Foundation chairman, said this to reporters after presenting aid totalling RM50,000 to Kampung Numbak fire victims here today.  When asked on Wanita BN’s list of election candidates submitted to Prime
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for consideration, Shahrizat, who is also Wanita Umno chief, said:

“I have submitted many names for the prime minister’s consideration and I have also met with him last Wednesday. Now, it is all up to him to decide. We just have to wait…because there are many qualified Wanita leaders. I just hope he will give equal chance to the women.”

“However, he has nothing to worry about, we are not traitors. Although I have submitted many names, but if some were not selected, I’m sure the women will always stay loyal to the BN,” she added.