Home Lifestyle Effects Of Stress On Your Hair

Effects Of Stress On Your Hair


3 April 2013-Stress is a silent killer that eats you up from inside. The signs of stress can be seen on your health as well as beauty. Stress speeds up ageing and affects your beauty adversely. Too much of stress can make a beautiful damsel look like a wretched hag in a few years. The effects of stress on your hair are particularly bad.

The worst thing is that you do not even notice these side effects of stress on your hair until it is too late. Hair loss is not the only effect of stress. There are several other effects of stress on your hair. Learn about these effects to save your hair in time.



Grey Hair

Even people in their twenties have started greying at the temples. This kind of premature greying is an effect of stress on your hair. If you are constantly worried about work pressure and targets, you will soon start looking like your boss, middle aged and greying at the temples!

Hair loss

Stress eats up your nutrition, and when your hair is malnutritioned, it just falls off. If you are having uncontrollable hair loss without any apparent cause, then the culprit could be stress. Stress also causes hormonal imbalance that can lead to hair loss.

Premature Balding

Premature balding has become very common among young men these days. It is definitely a sign of stress. Most of these men work in high profile corporate positions that comes with lots of stress. Stress makes you lose hair from the temple and also from the centre of your head.

Wiry Hair

You might have seen some grey hair that are wiry and damaged. Wiry hair is also a sign of ageing and stress. Stress makes you age quickly and that is why you might notice that some of your hair is damaged.

Dry Scalp

Dryness is a sign of unhealthy hair and scalp. The hormonal imbalance caused by stress can make your scalp dry.