Kuala Lumpur – Former Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S.Subramaniam who had a cordial working relationship for several years with the late Dato Dr Jayaindran paid tribute to his dedicated services in the Ministry of Health (MOH) which brought about many innovative changes.
Dato Dr Jayaindran, the former Deputy Secretary General of MOH passed away on Monday (August 19) morning.

“I heard with deep sadness the news of the sudden death of Dato Dr Jeyaindran Sinnadurai, the former Deputy DG of Health.
As a Deputy DG, Dr Jeya, as he was popularly known, was instrumental in meeting up to the many challenges faced by the Ministry of Health professionally and effectively. He was very concerned about the need to maintain high professional standards and brought about many innovations like flexi-timing, structured house-man training, and the importance of evidence based medical practice” Dr Subra posted on his facebook page.
Dr Subra also visited Dr Jayaindran’s home yesterday (Monday Aug 19) to pay his last respects and to console the family.
“He was passionate about developing “the science of case mix” which enabled the Ministry of Health (MOH) to quantity the cost of its services. He was a strong proponent of “bundling of services” as an alternative to itemised billing, as currently being practised in the private sector. He ran a foundation called “My Nadi ” which penetrated the depths of the Indian community and provided services in the areas of education and culture”Dr Subra further noted in his statement.
Expressing his deepest condolences to Datin Jayaindran and the rest of the family, Dr Subra further noted “my prayers that they be given the strength to go through this difficult period. Our prayers for his soul to reach the abode of Lord Siva”.