Home Lifestyle 20 Ways For Men To Prevent Heart Attack

20 Ways For Men To Prevent Heart Attack


5 April 2013-You might be the guy with a big heart, but you never know when that huge heart stops beating. We all know that men are prone to heart attacks. The most disturbing fact is that heart is no longer a cause of death for men over 40. You too might have heard about a friend or acquaintance who died of heart attack at something around 30 years of age.

The trouble with heart attacks is that it doesn’t give you time. So, it is important to know how you can prevent heart attacks. The causes of heart attacks are numerous. But an unhealthy lifestyle is among the leading causes of heart attacks. You can prevent heart attack by changing what is in your hands, your lifestyle.

heart_attackMost often we fear heart attack but don’t do anything to prevent it. That is a wrong approach to the problem. You must work on preventing heart attacks by doing small day to day things. For example, eating heart healthy foods is a small but certain way to prevent heart attack. Regular exercise is another way you can use to cut risks of heart strokes.


But the best way to prevent heart attack is to stay happy and stress-free. That really reduces the pressure on your heart. Since men are more prone to heart attacks, they need to be more cautious. Here are 20 simple changes that can help you to prevent a heart attack.