Home World Venezuela’s Maduro vows to fight corruption

Venezuela’s Maduro vows to fight corruption


CARACAS, April 9 – Venezuela’s Acting President Nicolas Maduro on Monday pledged that he will improve the government’s performance and step up measures to combat corruption in the country.  During his campaign in eastern Monagas state, the candidate of ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela asked his supporters to help root out corruption in response to the accusation filed by opposition leader Henrique Capriles against his government.

Maduro announced that he will launch the Great Mission Efficiency or Nothing “to combat corruption and bureaucracy.”

4“This mission is the mission of the people; I need you to be my inspectors and social comptrollers,” Maduro told his supporters, adding that he will fight corruption “wherever it is.”


On April 14, some 18 million Venezuelans will vote to choose between Chavez’s revolutionary path and the opposition’s liberal road led by Capriles.  Most of the polls showed that Maduro leads with a margin of 20 percentage points in the race against Capriles.