Home GE-13 Allow DAP to use own symbol in polls for fair fight, says...

Allow DAP to use own symbol in polls for fair fight, says Salleh


Salleh SaidKOTA KINABALU, April 19 – Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak, speaker of the just-dissolved Sabah legislative assembly, said today the Barisan Nasional (BN) was ready to engage the DAP in a fair and square political battle in the 13th General Election.  As such, he said, DAP leaders should be allowed to contest under their rocket symbol in the polls, for which nomination is tomorrow and polling on May 5.

“Let them contest … but I am convinced that the BN will beat them in the election,” he told Bernama.  Salleh, who is the BN candidate for the Usukan state seat, was asked to comment on the reported possible deregistration of the DAP.

Registrar of Societies (ROS) director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman was quoted as saying that the ROS office had informed the DAP that it was studying the party’s registration following a dispute among its members over alleged irregularities in recent party polls. He said, however, that the DAP had not been deregistered and could still use its symbol for this general election.
