Home Politics Kit Siang: People prefer Hadi to Najib as PM

Kit Siang: People prefer Hadi to Najib as PM


Lim KIt SiangJOHOR BARU: Who do you want as the prime minister? The resounding answer was Abdul Hadi Awang of PAS. At least, that’s what the gathering at the Pakatan Rakyat ceremahs in Gelang Patah and Muar indicated.

This question was posed by DAP advisor Lim KIt Siang at the ceremahs.

“I asked the thousands of Malaysians of all races in Muar and Gelang Patah in separate ceramahs last night whom they would choose, if they had to choose between Najib, Muhyiddin Yassin or the return of Mahathir as the prime minister, on the one hand, and Hadi on the other.


“The response was a thunderous, categorical, and unequivocal declaration of support for Hadi to become PM rather than to see Najib, Muhyiddin or Mahathir as the man in Seri Perdana,” he said.

Lim told a press conference that he posed the question after BN leader such as Abdul Ghani Othman sounded the alarm bell that Hadi may be the prime minister should Pakatan Rakyat win power.

Ghani reportedly warned the Chinese constituents in Gelang Patah yesterday that a vote for his opponent Lim is a vote for Hadi to be the prime minister.

“If it is true what they said today that DAP has agreed that Hadi Awang would be our future prime minister, ladies and gentlemen, Johor and I will be worried. What will he be going to do to us… correct or not?” he was quoted of saying.

Lim mocked that Ghani’s remarks was an indirect admission that should DAP emerge victor in the Gelang Patah, Pakatan would win Putrajaya.

However, he added that DAP has been consistent in support of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim as the new prime minister should they take over federal administration.

Mahathir still in control

In a related matter, Lim said Umno’s alleged decision to withdraw from contesting Pasir Mas constituency in favour of Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali shows that Mahathir has a final say in Umno.

“Mahathir was in support of BN fielding Ibrahim Ali in Pasir Mas and he has said the country needs more Ibrahim Alis. Maybe in his mind, Ibrahim Ali is the best prime minister candidate,” Lim said.

Meanwhile, Lim also urged Johorean to be the fulcrum of political change to propel the country towards new politics free from racism, corruption and mass abuses of power.

“For the first time in the nation’s 56-year history, Johoreans are making political history and instead of Johoreans following political developments in other parts of Malaysia.

“The time has come in the 13th general election for the political transformation with Johor as the fulcrum of new politics of Malaysia with all Johoreans rallying to the battle cry of Johor Leads,” he said.