Home English News “Don’t be desperadoes” – Lim Kit Siang tells Hadi and Muhyiddin

“Don’t be desperadoes” – Lim Kit Siang tells Hadi and Muhyiddin



Advice to Muhyiddin and Hadi not to be desperadoes and not to go against the teachings of Islam and all great religions not to resort to lies and falsehood just for worldly gains

I arrived in Penang only at 5.30 am this morning.


After logging about 15,000 kilometres in the two-week election campaign since Nomination Day on Nov 5, 2022, covering Penang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Pahang, Malacca, Johore, Sabah and Sarawak to campaign for Pakatan Harapan candidates and Pakatan Harapan President Anwar Ibrahim to be made the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia to head a Pakatan Harapan Federal Government in Putrajaya, speaking at two to three ceramahs a night, I took the last flight from Kuala Lumpur to Penang at 11.20 pm yesterday, 16th November 2022.

As I was dead tired from the travelling, and had a fall in front of the Kota Kinabalu hotel I was staying on Wednesday morning, I slept on the plane during the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Penang.

I woke up to the plane announcement that we had landed at KLIA. My watch — an ordinary one not like the million-ringgit watch worn by UMNO/BN President, Zahid Hamidi — says one o’clock in the morning.

I thought the announcer had announced wrongly the Penang International Airport as KLIA and somehow the watch had gone haywire.

It was with some shock that I found that the announcement and the watch were right, as the plane was back in KLIA because of bad weather at the Penang International Airport and the plane could not land and was running out of fuel.

The flight was rescheduled to depart KLIA for Penang at 4 a.m.

It was then that I found that it was a fairly full flight, with Malaysians coming back from London, Sydney, Singapore and other parts of the world to vote for the 15th General Election on Saturday, 19th November 2022.

Clearly Malaysians all over the world are rooting for Anwar Ibrahim to become the 10th Prime Minister to make Malaysia great again to rewrite Malaysia’s fate and trajectory to be a failed, rogue and divided nation by 2060 and instead to regain our original position to be a world-class nation and to be “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”, as aspired by Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Tomorrow is Polling Day.

I advise the Bersatu President, Muhyiddin Yassin and the PAS President Hadi Awang not to be desperadoes and not to go against the teachings of Islam and all great religions of the world not to resort to lies and falsehoods just for worldly gains.

Muhyiddin has resorted to lies and falsehoods when he alleged that the Pakatan Harapan was an “agent of Jews and Christians” who were out to colonise Malaysia!

He also claimed that a group of Jews and Christians were plotting for Malaysia to be ruled by their proxy – Pakatan Harapan.

Could Muhyiddin produce the evidence to substantiate his allegation or he is unable to do so just as he was unable to justify the detention of a DAP State Exco Member and another DAP State Assemblyman for alleged links to the Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers?

The Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM) has denied there were any attempt to
Christianise the Muslims or turn Malaysia into a “colony” of the Jews and
Christians, just as Muhyiddin was unable to prove that any Malaysian were involved with the Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers in 2019.

I do not believe that the Malaysian authorities would conduct an investigation into the allegation that the there was a movement to make Malaysia a colony of the Jews and Christians, as it exists only in Muhyiddin’s fevered imagination.

When did Muhyiddin discover that there was a plot of the Jews and Christians to make Malaysia their colony. Was it before Muhyiddin approached me in 2016 asking for DAP support for him to become Prime Minister of Malaysia, or only in the last few days?

If the latter, how did Muhyiddin discover the plot of the Jews and Christians, when he was unable to discover the plot when he was Home Minister in the Pakatan Harapan government?

Muhyiddin is doing what the PAS President, Hadi Awang had already done!

During the 15GE campaign, Hadi had alleged that the DAP was anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Royalty, which were not only libellous and complete lies;.

Recently, he made frequent attacks on the DAP, even alleging that the DAP leaders were communist.

I have been a Member of Parliament for some 50 years and Parliamentary Leader of Opposition for some 30 years, and I never knew that I was a communist

How come the super-efficient Special Branch of Malaysia did not know that I was a communist but Hadi knew?

How can Hadi aspire to be Prime Minister when he is prepared to tell lies?

Does Hadi remember what he said during the Teluk Intan by-election in May 2014?

Hadi had praised Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, the DAP candidate for the Teluk Intan by-election for making DAP her political party of choice despite being a Malay.

Abdul Hadi had hit back at detractors who had criticised PAS for choosing to partner DAP, saying PAS has more in common with DAP than with Umno.

He said: “We feel that Dyana is brave to be a candidate, more so a DAP candidate.”

Abdul Hadi reminded PAS members that DAP had helped PAS when the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition tried to oust the Islamist party from ruling Kelantan during the 1977 Kelantan Emergency.

He said although there are so many things different between DAP and PAS, like what is halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden), alcohol and pork, hudud, the two parties agree with each other in eradicating poverty, cruelty and corruption, among others.

Let Hadi tell Malaysians what happened after the Teluk Intan by-election in 2014, where PAS leadership did a somersault and decided they have more in common with UMNO, supporting Najib Razak and his 1MDB scandal?

Does Islam teach its leaders to tell lies and untruths and to co-operate with those guilty of corruption?

Between Muhyiddin and Hadi, who will become the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia?

This depends on whether Muhyiddin is defeated by UMNO in the 15GE tomorrow. If Azmin Ali is defeated in Gombak, and furthermore, PAS wins more parliamentary seats than Bersatu, Hadi will have legitimate reasons to claim the leadership of Perikatan Nasional.

Are we then on the verge of having Hadi as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia if the voter turnout is as low as in the Malacca and Johor state general elections?