Home Business Malaysia to host world marketing summit

Malaysia to host world marketing summit


summitKUALA LUMPUR, May 29- Malaysia will host the World Marketing Summit 2013 (WMSM2013) from Sept 28-30, 2013.

In a statement today, WMSM 2013 said the summit aimed to elevate marketing from a corporate tool to a social equalizer — with industry veterans and game changers as key speakers for each topic.

“The summit will united some of the most innovative minds from the corporate, public, non-governmental organisations and academia spheres to explore ways to integrate marketing solutions with affirmative action to tackle socio-economic issues outlined by the United Nations under the eight millennium development goals (MDGs), ” it said.


Its chairperson, Marceline Lemarie, said the MDGs were crucial for empowering communities globally and bridging the gap between the rich and the poor, the healthy and the ill, the educated and the illiterate.

“With a target achievement date of 2015, the blueprint formed by the UN has been agreed to by all the world’s countries and leading developmentinstitutions,” she said.