Home English News Waytha: I’ll quit if I can’t deliver

Waytha: I’ll quit if I can’t deliver


PETALING JAYA, Aug 1- Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, P Waythamoorthy said he was willing to quit his post if he is unable to deliver on the promises he made to the Indian community.

waythaWaythamoorthy, who is a senator, said that his appointment by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was to ensure Hindraf’s memorandum of understanding with BN is realised.

The blueprint, signed late April, outlines major areas that Najib promised to help uplift the lot of the Indian community.


“If I’m unable to help solve the problems of the Indian community, I won’t stay a minute longer than necessary in the my current position,” said Waythamoorthy in a press statement.

Responding to criticisms that he has failed in meeting his responsibilities, the Hindraf chairman said: “We stepped into Putrajaya with genuine and sincere intentions to take concrete corrective action.”

Waythamoorthy assured his intention in taking up office was to achieve his objectives as human rights advocate to help Indians without fear or favour, and not just as a mere career oriented politician.

“My sole objective is to put into action the Hindraf-BN blueprint. If I’m not able to contribute constructively, while remaining within the establishment, the public can be assured that I shall not remain a minute longer in my current position,” said Waythamoorthy.